Unleashing the potential of leaders the world needs today and tomorrow

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Lynda Mansson

Titles don't make a leader. Actions do.


Lynda has helped my senior leadership team build the framework for high performance and effective decision making. She brings not only an amazing toolkit of leadership development techniques but also powerful insights about the non-profit world.

Richard Scobey Executive Director, TRAFFIC

Wisdom Circle - Peer coaching: “I always look forward to my conversations with Lynda and fellow leaders. I feel that these always come at the worst time in my busy worklife schedule, but afterwards it is like the thing I didn’t know/realise that it was exactly what I needed at that time… Lynda is able to strike a unique balance of careful listening with sharing her wealth of experience and ideas. She quickly pinpoints the crux of a situation and does not fail to leave me with helpful insights or questions to ponder. I like her approach using peers, I find it really valuable to connect with other leaders outside of my work and to focus on their situations always leaves me with valuable takeaways and new perspectives. I am grateful for this forum and will wholeheartedly recommend it to other leaders. ”

Minna Epps Head, IUCN Ocean, Canter for Conservation Action

The Session on Mission-driven Leadership and Values was a cocktail of inspiration and motivation, delivered by an experienced professional with warmth, humour and humility. The session reconfirmed I am on the right journey, and inspired me to tap deeper into the wells of courage with the resultant effect of acting with greater confidence and influence in the world within which I operate.

Anonymous Cambridgeshire Nature Charity

Lynda is an incredible coach. Having been a leader for decades herself, she really understands the challenges and will guide you through very concrete and actionable solutions.

Guillaume Bonnel CEO - SDG Impact Finance Initiative

I enjoyed the sessions with Lynda. They were held professionally and very well. Lynda was always very responsive, well-organized, prepared, and on time. She was encouraging me a lot in many ways. I left the sessions with concrete tasks and ideas for improvement. And I reached all my goals! What I appreciated a lot where the moments, when Lynda challenged me, asked me to take a step back and look at myself from a more distant perspective. This and centering/ rooting practices is something I will keep doing in the future.

Lenka Kepkova

I am much more aware of my leadership style and feel better equipped to describe how I am as a leader. Importantly, the coaching has given me new insights into my weaknesses and blockages and direction on how to address those. I feel more comfortable in myself as a leader.

Kimberly McArthur COO, Apolitical Foundation

Grateful for invaluable leadership sessions during a pivotal personal transition. The guidance and coaching provided a clear roadmap to my professional growth. Highly recommend for those seeking impactful leadership development.

CEO of an NGO

Lynda Mansson is very experienced in providing that intelligent and safe space for feedback, truly a rare, skilled coach.

Sigrid Andersen CEO, Birdlife Denmark

Lynda was a vital part of my preparations to take GFW to a new level of engagement. Knowing that this would impact people in many ways, she helped me navigate the pros and cons of differing options, ensured I had considered all elements and guided me in techniques to make this transition to a larger and more diverse and international organisation successfully. Having a confidante to test ideas on was invaluable to me.

Tony Long CEO, Global Fishing Watch

I was a first time CEO when I started working with Lynda; little did I know then, just how necessary it was going to be. Navigating new [and numerous!] leadership challenges concurrently and without much experience can make problem-solving more complicated than it has to be. Having a seasoned and experienced coach like Lynda is something I'd highly recommend for folks with similar profiles. The most valuable part of the experience for me was to have someone to soundboard with, run scenarios by and practice some of the crucial conversations I needed to have with a variety of stakeholders. It is harder to find trusted wise counsel when at the top, and leveraging a coach to navigate that was one of the best professional decisions I made. I've definitely come to trust my decision-making process and thinking much more. Occasionally, Lynda would surgically (so to speak) help me think through the various factors at play in a decision. I found that methodical approach useful, even in instances when I didn't leverage her to think through critical matters and/or make key decisions. On a personal front, I'm delighted I opened up about that as well. It definitely pushed for more vulnerability which led to conversations about work-life balance; relationship decisions and choices. I must say I have grown massively thanks to this coaching relationship.


It has been an enriching experience to have Lynda as a coach. Her guidance has helped me reinforce my self-confidence and acquire tools that make my job as a manager smoother. Undoubtedly a support that I have been very fortunate to have.

Lucia Torres Manager, Mongabay

My coaching sessions with Lynda took place at a difficult time for me personally and professionally and got me on a positive path!


Working with Lynda, I’ve reached my objectives within a few months through one-on-one coaching sessions. With Lynda's supportive coaching style, I find it enjoyable to immerse myself in each session, sharing and learning in such a safe environment. I was able to improve my personal and professional relationships and identify a new mental framework for relationships, where I can express my emotions in a better way. Her kindness and understanding helped my internal growth but still kept me very accountable. I appreciate Lynda’s versatility as a friend and coach. Our sessions were productive and efficiently run, even with a major time zone difference. I’m so grateful for your expertise and sensitivity. Thank you, Lynda!

April Sirait Director, Econusa

Great, trustful conversations and effective guidance for critical reflections. Drawing from her own strong leadership experience, Lynda effectively helps explore core elements of challenges faced and ambitions to be realised, as well as analyse essential stakeholder relationships. Highly recommend to work with Lynda!

Gerrit Sindermann CEO, Global Digital Finance Alliance

Lynda m’a permis de me connaître mieux et de comprendre quelle suite je voulais donner à ma vie professionnelle. Elle m’a aidé à gérer certaines de mes peurs et à en tirer des éléments positifs. Grâce à son expérience professionnelle impressionnante, Lynda m’a donné de très bons conseils sur la façon d’appréhender certaines situations. Lynda est humaine et positive, j’ai connecté très facilement et c’était un plaisir de travailler avec elle. Merci Lynda!

Laurence Departmental Director

Coaching by Lynda has been a really very positive experience and rewarding to our group during the intro week of EMBA program at HEC of Lausanne. Lynda is an excellent leadership team coach. She helps the team member to identify and find their contributing role, frame, and clarify key team objectives. Here teaching is methodical supporting the group with practical tools, techniques, and suggestions to achieve the goal. During the coaching session, Lynda acts as a facilitator with perspicacity, who incites the team for open and frank discussions among the group helping the team to build more trust, draw our intention for more active participation, and focus on collective knowledge. She creates an environment of harmony and motivation for the team in which she helps our team to find our own solution to the problem and challenges us with pertinent questions and stimulate the team to reflect differently on business issues. I had the chance to have a group and personal coaching sessions with Lynda. Both were remarkable. I had experienced another leadership coaching during my work; however, Lynda's coaching style is at another level. I recommend absolutely following her group and personal leadership coaching.

Eyad Assaf HEC Lausanne EMBA 2022

Receiving coaching from Lynda Mansson from LeaderLy was a rich learning experience. With listening, self-reflection, and empathy at its core, the sessions provided meaningful approaches to becoming a better colleague/manager/leader. Despite the participants' varied time zones, domains, and working styles, the online interactions were managed well, and there was enough room to discuss professional challenges, big and small. In short, I have compiled enough notes to troubleshoot issues and routinely self-assess my career and growth!

Kartik Chandramouli Senior Digital Editor, Mongabay-India

The individual coaching sessions were exactly what I needed as I led my organization from start-up to being more established. Lynda helped me build on my existing leadership skills, identify where and how I needed to grow so I could take meaningful action in this next phase of our growth. Thank you so much!

Eva Zabey CEO, Business for Nature

Leading an organisation is challenging at the best of times. Lynda has helped me to identify where my strengths and weaknesses lie and has skillfully guided me through an important period of growth for my organisation. Lynda not only brings her experience and thoughtfulness, to our sessions, but also a sense of fun and possibility.

Mark Gough CEO, Capitals Coalition

Working with Lynda Mansson has been transformative in my journey as a CEO. When I was in need of coaching while handling some critical and high-stakes situations, Lynda was outstanding in helping me critically analyse my own thinking. More importantly, by guiding me through my thinking process, she allowed me to expand my perspectives, run through multiple scenarios and cohesively articulate my preferred position. I cannot emphasize enough how important the fineness of the methodology is for decision-making at this level. Sessions with Lynda are insightful, challenging, and rewarding. I have evidently improved as a leader thanks to her and I am deeply grateful.

Veda Sunasee CEO, African Leadership University

Lynda really helped us find our team spirit, fine-tune our dynamic and mode of interactions during a week-long workshop. None of the team members knew each other before the workshop. We were tasked to deliver outputs under pressure to meet a tight deadline.  An active listener, very patient and always positive, Lynda knew how to ask the right question at the right time and how to support our team building experience as well as our learning journey. It has been a joy to "learn by doing"; and  share feedback with peers in such an open-minded and respectful environment which she helped create from the start. 

Chiara von Guten HEC Lausanne EMBA 2022

Lynda's pragmatic and human approach enabled me to mobilise resources to achieve my goal with remarkable fluidity. Her experience as a leader, her ability to listen and her strategic vision enabled me to identify opportunities to develop my capacities. Each session was a bridge on my path to success.

Aline Freiburghaus Directrice Romandie, SwissFoundations

In a few words, I would describe Lynda as a very constructive coach for two main reasons : she is methododic (e.g., result oriented, asking pragmatic questions) and empathic (e.g., active listener, giving tools and space to explore). She was helpful in helping me structure my thinking and navigate opportunities as I was considering a career shift from consulting to industry/entrepreneurship. I benefited a lot from her rigour and rich professional experiences from the private and NGO sectors.

Manager Consulting company

Working with Lynda was a deeply motivating and illuminating experience. She helped me to clarify a concrete objective for our time together, which was realised through a series of interesting exercises. What was most remarkable from our work together was the sense of deep meaning and joy that I felt throughout - while we focused on one objective in my professional life, it helped me connect to myself, my values, and my purpose.

Annika Erickson-Pearson Geneva Peacebuilding Platform

Being coached by Lynda was an eye-opening experience of getting to know and being in touch with my true self. She helped me rethink my perspective about my limiting beliefs and brought out the magic of who I truly am as a person and as a professional.

Petros Timotheou Founder and CEO, iceep

It has been a great pleasure to work with Lynda, who coached our team of very diversified and strong-minded individuals, as part of an Executive MBA program. Lynda was able to help us set up a team charter, and build a strong team. Lynda’s calm and positive attitude, coupled with objective and constructive feedback were key in developing a powerful team spirit. I can only recommend working with Lynda.

Christophe Zaretti HEC Lausanne EMBA 2022

From the very start, Lynda’s ability to fully understand the stakes and implications of varied and complex professional situations made me feel at ease. Her positive, mission-oriented and holistic approach really helped me to gain confidence as a leader: Lynda doesn’t tell you what to do; instead, she effectively guides you to identify causes and to find the best possible solutions within your understanding of things. Much like a well-experienced Sherpa, she knows better what can lie ahead, and I would definitely recommend her assistance to any leader seeking guidance to overcome the many obstacles along their professional journey.

Jan Isler CEO, OneAction

I was passing through an important transition in my professional environment. Lynda’s coaching supported me in this important moment by embarking on a guided self-discovery path. Throughout the sessions, I observed the challenge that I was facing in a broader context of my life while also focusing my attention on my own values and capacities to overcome it. At the end of my coaching, I felt more empowered and centred on the path I aim for in my professional career-

Anna Luiza Behrens Partners for a New Economy

My sessions with Lynda were incredibly grounding and empowering. From the outset, she structured the coaching process in a way that aligned perfectly with my hopes and needs; I felt guided and supported in each step of discernment, from articulating my strengths and areas of growth to identifying action items. When I was at a loss for how to move forward in my reflections, she gently re-centered the conversation by helping me build on previous sessions and introducing new reflective activities. Throughout my time with her, she offered insightful perspective and asked valuable questions that have shaped how I approach career considerations. I am endlessly grateful for this experience!  

Claire Doyle student

En juste 6 séances de coaching avec Lynda, j’ai l’impression d’avoir énormément avancé dans mon développement personnel. Lynda a rapidement cerné mes besoins et a su me guider avec beaucoup d’intelligence et de finesse. J’ai acquis plusieurs outils que je peux appliquer au quotidien pour dépasser certains blocages ou schémas dans ma vie professionnelle et personnelle. Je me suis sentie très à l’aise avec Lynda, qui est quelqu’un de très accueillant et à l’écoute. Je la recommande vivement ! 

Marie chef de projet au sein d'une ONG

Lynda's calm, reassuring and welcoming personality immediately made me feel at ease. Through a variety of exercises, she guided me towards a deepened understanding of what I really want to see happening in my professional life. Lynda is an excellent listener and managed to perfectly capture the essence of my personality. She helped to define my unique, which I will be able to better promote as I proceed on my professional path. Most importantly, my coaching sessions with Lynda set in motion a much-needed transition, of which I previously had no clear knowledge. I am still only at the very beginning of that transition and do not know when I will reach my objective. But that is ok, as I now feel better equipped to move towards it. I wholeheartedly recommend Lynda to anyone seeking clarity on what comes next.

Monica Manager at an NGO

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